Local Grandmother:

An elderly woman peering closely at a laptop screen, possibly engaging with social media content.

Becomes First Person to 'Like' Every Post on Facebook

In a stunning display of digital devotion and thumb power, a local grandmother has achieved the remarkable feat of becoming the first person in history to 'like' every single post on Facebook. Her journey through the social media wilderness, filled with cat videos, inspirational quotes, and questionable political memes, has left her with the ultimate digital crown: the "Queen of Likes."

Dorothy Johnson, affectionately known as "Grandma Dot" by her family and the entire internet, embarked on her ambitious quest with the determination of a knight on a chivalrous quest. Armed with her trusty iPad and an inexhaustible reservoir of patience, she set out to conquer the vast expanse of Facebook's content, one 'like' at a time.

"It all started when my grandson, little Timmy, posted a picture of his sandwich," Grandma Dot explained in a recent interview. "I thought, 'Why not show my support?' So, I clicked that thumbs-up button, and I haven't looked back since."

A senior lady using a laptop, with a reflection of a log-in or loading screen on her glasses.

Grandma Dot's relentless 'liking' spree soon turned into an internet sensation. Her Facebook notifications exploded as people around the world marveled at her unwavering commitment to validating everyone's digital musings. In a matter of weeks, she had 'liked' millions of posts, from wedding photos to photos of people's dinner plates. Some say her 'like' transcends mere approval; it's become a symbol of hope, a virtual pat on the back.

Social media experts have praised Grandma Dot's remarkable achievement, citing it as the epitome of online etiquette and good vibes. "She's a digital pioneer," declared one social media guru. "In a world where we're often divided by differences, Grandma Dot unites us all through the power of the 'like' button."

However, not everyone is thrilled with Grandma Dot's newfound fame. Some people have questioned the authenticity of her 'likes,' wondering if she genuinely appreciates the posts she blesses with her digital approval. Critics suggest she may be undermining the integrity of the 'like' system.

But Grandma Dot remains unfazed by the naysayers. "I like what I like," she declared with a wry smile. "And if someone takes offense to me 'liking' their post about organic kale smoothies or conspiracy theories involving alien abductions, well, that's their problem."

As Grandma Dot continues her journey to 'like' every post on Facebook, the world watches in awe and amusement. Her story serves as a heartwarming reminder that in the digital age, it's not about the destination but the 'like'-filled journey that truly counts.

An older woman giving a thumbs up to the camera, signifying a positive interaction with content on her laptop.
Augustus Quill

AIrony News’ sole Journalist.


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