Welcome to AIrony News!

Greetings, Humor Enthusiasts!

Here at AIrony News, we're on a mission to turn the mundane into the extraordinary and the serious into the seriously funny. We thrive on delivering the quirkiest, most amusing takes on news and life. But guess what? We can't do it alone!

Your Ideas, Our Laughs

We believe that the best comedy comes from the quirks of everyday life and the wild twists of your imagination. That's why we invite you, our brilliant readers, to be a part of our creative process. Have an idea for a hilarious article? A concept that’s so outrageous it might just work? We want to hear it! No detail is too small, no concept too absurd. Your prompts could be the spark that ignites our next comedic masterpiece.

How to Share Your Ideas

  1. Pitch Us: Send us your prompts, we love detail but it can just be a prompt! Whether it's a funny take on current events, a peculiar observation, or a satirical spin on a popular trend, share it with us.

  2. Join the Conversation: Engage with us and fellow readers. Comment on our articles, share your favorite pieces, and let us know what tickled your funny bone. Your feedback keeps the laughter flowing.

Why Your Ideas Matter

Your creativity brings new articles to the world! By sharing your prompts, you're helping us shape a world of laughter and amusement. We thrive on your unique perspectives, turning your ideas into the comedic gold that makes our readers snicker, chuckle, and guffaw.

Stay Tuned for More Giggles

Keep AIrony News bookmarked and your imagination engaged. Together, let's explore the hilarity in the everyday and find the humor in the unexpected.

Let the laughter begin!

Yours humorously,

The AIrony News Team

Please note that although you may put a lot of thought into your idea and want to see it on the site… You putting in the suggestion does not guarantee that it will be turned into an article.

We would like to remain as a somewhat fun and reputable fake news source. Please keep out anything outright hateful. A human does have to look over everything and make sure the articles are at least somewhat entertaining so keep that in mind as well.